“Music is so important. It changes thinking, It influences everybody, whether they know it or not. Music knows no boundary lines.”
Music and humanity cannot function without one another. Imagine a world without music. Imagine a sports event without the National Anthem, a retail store without background music, or your car without a stereo. Imagine a tree without its rustling leaves or the ocean without the sound of the waves hitting the shore.
What is Music?
Music is the study of rhythm and sound. And our interaction with sound is unavoidable. We take pleasure in it. We love making it. Many of us are delightfully obsessed with it. Mainstream society has found music to be very significant, whether we are performing music, creating it, or simply listening and relaxing to it. It moves us; it helps us feel and soothe us. And it activates our brains in ways researchers are now learning more about.
As an audio engineer, I study sound waves. Each sound wave is a disturbance pattern caused by the movement of energy traveling through a medium, such as air, water, or any other liquid or solid matter. Object vibrations create sound waves and produce pressure waves—for example, a ringing cell phone or a doorbell. Essentially, everything has sound. But what is music? Music is the organization of sound through an instrument students learn to play.
What is the Value of Music?
Music has immense value on many levels. Reading music is much like learning a new language. When you learn music, you develop a critical ear and learn how to read notes and rhythm. To perform music, you learn how to play with others, as well as play alone. All music students learn self-discipline and expression through sound, which enhances motor skills, develops problem-solving skills, and teaches them how to cooperate and collaborate with others.
The Current Role Of Music in Society
Music and Art are currently seen as extra disciplines in our society. However, that is changing. The arts have been sneaking into mainstream culture. Music in our educational system has been away from the public for too long, and now it is being uncovered bit by bit. There is a growing curiosity and even excitement about music and all the gifts it brings!
Shows like “Little Einsteins,” a preschool series, are full of adventures that introduce kids to nature, world cultures, and the arts. Each episode has a mission of discovery that incorporates a celebrated piece of classical music and a renowned work of Art or world culture.
Our society is becoming more involved with music - whether it knows it or not. Music instruction accelerates brain development in young children, particularly in the brain areas responsible for processing sound, language development, speech perception, and reading skills.
It also fills a void we need in our culture and brings joy and connection to the world!