For nearly 40 years, teaching music has been my ultimate source of joy (and sometimes a test of patience, but mostly joy!). I started this journey at the tender age of 15, and ever since, I’ve been on a mission to inspire students of all ages to embrace the beauty and power of music. At Leading Note Studios, which I founded 15 years ago, my goal isn’t just to teach the mechanics of playing an instrument; it’s to instill a deep love for music that lasts a lifetime. Sure, finding the next Mozart or John Williams among my students would be amazing (I could retire in style!), but my real hope is that no student ever regrets learning music. I want them to look back with a smile, not a sigh, thinking, “I wish I’d started sooner.” And remember, it’s never too late to begin your musical journey—NEVER. (Seriously, it's not. I've taught students from age 3 to 93!)
Learning music is more than just mastering an instrument; it’s like a life skills class that’s secretly fun. Recitals? Highly encouraged, not required. Why? Because standing in front of an audience builds confidence, poise, and the ability to smile even when you hit a wrong note (we’ve all been there). These are skills that come in handy everywhere, from giving a speech to nailing that karaoke night. Music lessons prepare you for the spotlight, whether you're holding a flute, a microphone, or—dare I say—giving a PowerPoint presentation.
To me, music is like a second language, similar to learning Spanish, only with a bit more 'do-re-mi' and less rolling of the R's. It opens up a world of understanding, bringing peace, joy, and a bit of jazz hands excitement. In all my years of teaching, I’ve never met anyone who regretted learning music; it’s a gift that keeps on giving, like the musical version of a fruitcake—only much better received. Think about it: every retirement home has a piano, but none has a soccer team. Coincidence? I think not.
If you're ready to explore the magic of music and pick up some tips along the way, I invite you to join me on my monthly blog, "Harmony & High Notes." Whether you’re a parent trying to guide your child (or just looking for a way to keep them occupied for 30 minutes a week) or an adult seeking to finally understand what all those squiggly lines mean, I’ll be sharing tips on practicing, learning, playing, and performing. Plus, I’m embarking on my own adventure to learn Spanish—because why not add another challenge to my life? As I teach you the language of music, I’ll be learning Spanish as my third language. Let’s just say, my kitchen will soon be filled with both scales and español. Join me on this exciting adventure!